McDonald's “More Lovin’ Tour Bus”

“Lovin It” needs to be more than a static advertising tagline for McDonalds. It must become a thing that lives for its customers, the impetus for a dialogue between company and people and more importantly dialogue between individuals. We intend to bring a spectacular manifestation of Lovin’ It to the places where love conquers all. We’ll give people a chance to present their love loud and proud to the world.


The More Lovin’ Bus

a 40-foot long Airstream mobile home in flexible LED display panels and turn it into a dynamic, moving testament to lovin’. The bus will travel across America, displaying messages and images and capturing the voices of a wide and beautiful spectrum of lovin’. People will be encouraged to use the hashtag #MoreLovin to share their unique definitions and expressions of the emotion of lovin’.


The More Lovin’ Tour Crew
Our dazzling vehicle will be crewed by a merry gang of young people who will drive the mobile home, curate incoming content for display, document the journey via instagram but most importantly engage with the people and programs that are bringing more lovin’ into the world.


The More Lovin’ Tour (Engagement Examples)

Each opportunity would let the More Lovin’ kids not only capture footage but get engaged with the work

bus schedule stops.png